Koi Waterlife Koi For Sale
These Koi are all Female and are developing and growing well since arriving in May. All chosen for the quality and potential to grow very big.
Marusei Chagoi 65cm Marusei Hi Utsuri 57cm Marusei Hi Utsuri 55cm Marusei Hi Utsuri 55cm
£1200 £1200 £495 £495
INC Sanke 39cm £795 INC Sanke 36cm £795 INC Sanke 37cm £795 INC Sanke 38cm £795
Isa Showa 32cm £450 Isa Showa 33cm £450 Isa showa 32cm £450 Isa Showa 33cm £450
Isa Showa 33cm £450 Isa Showa 32cm £450 Marudo Yamabuki 50cm £350 Isa Showa 35cm £1495
Isa Showa 36cm £1495 Isa Showa 39cm £1495 Marudo 38cm £1200 Marudo 37cm £1200
These are some of the high quality Koi i still have for sale , if you would like to view all the Koi I have available
please call 07712871692.