Koi Waterlife Filtration
We have three products that can be made bespoke , our Protein Showers , Bio Tanks and Surface Skimmers. We can make the Showers with inlets from 1.5 inch to 3 inch at the side or rear of the Shower. The water can be returned via a weir or 4 inch pipe and the Protein waste can be removed from either side of the Shower. The pictures attached are just some of the different types of bespoke Showers we can make. All our Bio Tanks can be made with inlets to fit perfect to your Drum or filter with one to three outlets. The surface skimmers are made with either a 3 or 4 inch outlet and can be made to fit a concrete pond or liner pond. The pictures attached will help to explain more.
If you would like to discuss any of the above please call on 01474 834411
or e-mail kwc-jpn@hotmail.co.uk