HighFil Filters the complete Filtration System
8000 Gallons HighFil 25 18,000 Gallons HighFil 100
5500 Gallons HighFil 50 7000 Gallons HighFil 25
1500 Gallons HighFil 25 2500 Gallons HighFil 25
A Few recently finished Ponds and a few underconstruction.
7000 Gallons HighFil 50 3800 Gallons HighFil 25
15,000 Gallons HighFil 100 4000 Gallons HighFil 25
Below are videos of some of these ponds and the many features of the HighFil.
One Major advantage of the HighFil is the different ways they can be installed , above or below water level with or without the Bio Chamber and any number of bottom drains and skimmers. A complete design service is available to make sure the HighFil is installed correctly to give unrivalled results to any sized pond.
For more information please contact Koi Waterlife on 01474 834411.